RSR 2K WinTer Clinic focuses on erg efficiency, core engagement, strength training for rowing, 2K strategy, mental fitness and nutrition. 

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The RSR 2K Winter Clinic will be Dec 27-29 2024!

The Ready Set Row® Raleigh Clinic is open to any and all entrants (limited only by number, age, grade and/or gender). We will train at the UNC Chapel Hill Varsity Rowing indoor facility at the UNC Kenan Memorial Stadium.

Athletes will learn the basics for Olympic lifts, mobility techniques and injury prevention for rowing as well as technical, tactical and strategic coaching for the erg.

Clinic Curriculum includes:

  • Mental fitness & 2K Strategy
  • Erg test strategy
  • Erg technique & efficiency
  • Center core engagement & stability
  • Mobility & injury prevention

New this year!

held at University of north carolina chapel hill

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  • Ready Set Row

    “This was awesome! It was really intense but I learned a lot about myself and what it takes to row in college. And I really liked how multifaceted this was in that it covered nutrition, fueling, everything, not just erging.”

    Abigail Bergen ‘20

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Day in the Life of RSR 2K WinTer Clinic

8:30-9:30 Warm Up and RSR Mental Skills
9:30-11:30 ERG & Center Core
11:30-11:45 Break
11:45-1:00 Lunch & Discussion
1:00-1:15 Break
1:15-2:15 RSR Mental Skills - 2K Erg Race Plans
2:15-2:30 Break
2:30-4:00 ERG & Weight-lifting
4:00-5:00 Q&A with RSR Coaches or University Campus Tour

5:30 Pickup

  • Ready Set Row

    “I have learned more than I ever learned about technique on the erg as I have learned these past 3 days. I really liked learning about how to embrace pain on the mental side of it as well.”


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Who: Male and Females (age 13-20) - limited only by number, age, grade level and/or gender.

When: Dec 27th 3:00pm - Dec 29th 12:00pm

Where: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill - in the UNC Rowing training space in the Kenan Stadium, Chapel Hill NC.

Non-boarding athletes will be responsible for their transportation to and from the gym; all breakfasts and dinners. Lunch will be provided December 28th. 

For those needing transportation from RDU, overnight accommodations and food please add the "Boarding for Athlete at the Clinic" on CampBrain.


Non-Boarding: $1500

Boarding: $2500

About Boarding


  • Hotel for 2 nights with 2 athletes to a room
  • Shuttle from RDU airport at 2pm (must arrive by 1:00pm Dec 27th). 
  • Shuttle to the RDU Airport at 12:30pm December 29th.
  • Food for all main meals (breakfast x 2, lunch x 1, dinner x 2)

More info:

  • RSR Coaches will stay on the premises.
  • Room assignments will be by gender
  • All boarding athletes need to arrive RDU airport by 1:00 for a 2:00PM shuttle to clinic.

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Please note

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Athletes will be required to submit a copy of a full physical performed in the last 13 months.
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All participants must be a Basic USRowing member and have a waiver signed
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Registering after Dec 1, we cannot guarantee the requested T-shirt size.